UFO and Angel Resemblance
There are numerous biblical verses that depict similarities between unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and descriptions of the Lord. While listing every verse would be an extensive task, I will provide a revised compilation of verses:
Physically visible with the eyes:
Exodus 19:11
Amos 9:1
Numbers 12:5-8
Exodus 33:11
Genesis 17:1
Revelation 1:17
Genesis 18:1
Described as living and flying in the sky:
Isaiah 66:1
Psalms 115:3
Revelation 13:6
Daniel 4:13
Isaiah 19:1
2 Kings 2:11
Psalm 18:10
Glow fiery amber like hot coals:
Genesis 15:17
Ezekiel 1:4
Numbers 9:15
Confused as being fires in the forest:
Exodus 3:2
Follow the order of descending from the sky and ascending back up:
Exodus 19:20
Exodus 34:5
1 Thessalonians 4:16
2 Kings 2:11
Acts 1:9-12
Exodus 40:36
Appear and disappear from thin air:
Acts 12:7
Genesis 18:1
Judges 6:21
Transport people:
Acts 8:39
Lead people from the sky:
Exodus 13:21
Matthew 2:9
Exodus 14:19
Hover for long periods of time:
Numbers 9:19
Numbers 9:22
Exodus 40:38
Fire weapons:
Zechariah 9:14
Jeremiah 50:25
Isaiah 13:5
Genesis 19:24
Travel like clouds:
Isaiah 60:8
Jeremiah 4:13
Come, travel, and appear in the clouds:
Psalm 18:11
Revelation 1:7
Mark 14:62
Luke 21:27
Display the colors of the rainbow:
Ezekiel 1:28
Create beings in their own image:
Genesis 1:27
Manage humanity and natural disasters:
Daniel 4:17
Exodus 6:6
Zechariah 14:17
Amos 4:7
Genesis 6:13
Travel as fast as lightning:
Matthew 24:27
Ezekiel 1:14
Possess unimaginable power:
Ecclesiastes 8:17
Defy the laws of physics:
Deuteronomy 29:5
Numbers 20:11
Exodus 7:12
Shoot lightning beams:
Zechariah 9:14
Genesis 3:24
Psalm 18:14
Acts 22:6
Luke 9:29
Abduct people:
Genesis 5:24
2 Kings 2:11
Aligned closely with war and the military:
Exodus 15:3
Psalm 144:1
Deuteronomy 8:20
2 Kings 19:35
Watch over humanity:
Psalms 121:5
Terrify people:
Exodus 20:18
Luke 2:9
Matthew 28:4
Put people to sleep before surgery:
Genesis 2:21
Biological creations:
Genesis 1:21
Create one organism from another organism:
Genesis 2:21
Float people through walls:
John 20:26
Heal people:
Matthew 9:35
Mark 5:34
Jeremiah 17:14
Broadcast voices from the sky:
John 12:28
Mark 1:11
Telepathic, all-knowing of thoughts:
Hebrews 4:13
Matthew 9:4
Evidence of being here since the beginning of humanity:
Genesis 1:1
Cause harm when too close to the technology of God:
Exodus 19:12
2 Samuel 6:7
Provide shading on the ground when present in the sky:
Isaiah 4:5
Psalm 105:39
Exodus 13:21
Wheel-shaped, resembling a saucer:
Ezekiel Chapter 1
Daniel 7:9
Control perception of time:
Joshua 10:12
Virgin impregnation of half-God, half-man hybrids:
Luke 9:35
Genesis 1:17