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Ufos in the bible

Bryan Tyson

I was raised in a Christian school throughout my life, under the guidance of pastors and bishops from a Christian church, all of whom held Doctorate Degrees. Since birth, I have possessed an innate love for God and a strong passion for noble works. At the age of 16, I developed a genuine interest in the Bible and read it repeatedly, actively practicing its teachings, even those that may seem unnatural, such as praying for your enemies, absolute humility, and offering your coat to a thief before they leave. To me, these seemingly unusual attitudes in the Bible are the most beautiful aspects, and they have been the catalyst for witnessing true life changing miracles in people's lives.

I gained favor with my teachers, and I often served as their main assistant in teaching. I embraced being a born-again Christian at an age too young to recall, and my faith remains steadfast to this day. My journey with UFOs began around 2006 when I pondered the identity of the massive, glorious glowing amber UFO craft I saw with my Dad in Ocala. At that time, my knowledge of UFOs was primarily influenced by the negative portrayal in mainstream media. So, I turned to prayer and sought a deeper understanding by asking the Lord to reveal the truth hidden within His word, and to unravel the mysteries mentioned in the Bible.

At first, I held the belief that UFOs might have a connection to fallen angels or demons. This perception was influenced by misleading teachings from inadequately informed pastors with vivid imaginations and by the writings of individuals like Zecharia Sitchin, who lacked a background in linguistics.

However, everything changed when I discovered Patrick Cooke's website. Patrick's in-depth knowledge of the Bible and his unbiased approach to its teachings allowed him to present me with every verse proving that UFOs are not evil but are manifestations of God. He also addressed and refuted verses used by others to argue against this perspective. After reviewing all the relevant verses with my 30 years of experience, I must confess that what he taught, supported by scripture, was undeniably true.

Following Patrick Cooke's demise, his lifelong work regarding UFOs in the Bible was effectively silenced and removed from the internet and Google searches. This action essentially suppressed what could be considered the most critical information ever disclosed to the church. In the past, I used to purchase his books in large quantities to distribute, and he kindly offered them to me at cost. I felt profound sadness when he passed away, as he was, in my opinion, the greatest revealer of our era. On a significant occasion, he expressed his belief that, due to my passionate efforts in spreading his teachings, I might one day carry on his legacy. It's a considerable responsibility, and I pray for divine guidance in fulfilling this potential role. 

Patrick Cooke's book, "The UFO Bible Connection," remains relatively unknown unless I bring it to your attention. I highly recommend purchasing it, as his insights and experiences are unmatched, and I cannot hope to replicate his depth of knowledge. If you're interested, you can find the book on Amazon under the title mentioned.

Patrick's motto, based on 1 Thessalonians 5:21, was to "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is true," and it resonated deeply with me. He emphasized the importance of proving everything using scripture and avoided making assumptions or guesses, relying solely on evidence. His use of the King James version and the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to explore the true meanings of Greek and Hebrew words became the foundation of his work.

As someone who prioritizes seeking truth above all else, I remain open to concepts and teachings from opposing views. The ultimate goal is to avoid deception, and discussions on these subjects should be approached with humility and love, avoiding battles of right and wrong.

I understand that what I am saying may sound incredible and frightening to research. It might appear as if I have been deceived and have embarked on a journey to pursue dark entities, but I assure you that my beliefs are entirely backed by information and untouched scripture, grounded in my 30 years of experience with Christ.

Walking this path requires bravery and an unwavering love for truth, but I guarantee that it will be the most significant and thrilling experience of your life. The realization of God becoming a physical reality is a transformative and liberating internal revival.

My Experience with UFOs:

When I was approximately 15 years old, my father and I went on our monthly trip to stay at our camp in Ocala National Forest, Florida. We spent the night on a houseboat he had built for my grandparents, located by the river. At around 2 a.m., while standing at the front of the boat, we were suddenly greeted by a blaring, white light shining intently on the riverbed and illuminating the sky. The light was so brilliant and majestic that it resembled a small sun emerging from the water. It appeared as large as a football field and remained visible despite a few trees obstructing the view. The brightness was so intense that it looked exactly like the background on the left and right of this page. We watched this phenomenon for what seemed like five minutes. When the light appeared, we could feel a very low frequency, as if something immense was nearby and moving rapidly. It was akin to the bass sound from speakers vibrating at about 10 Hertz. and deeply. Additionally, there was an extremely high-pitched noise, barely audible. Then, suddenly, the light disappeared.

On another occasion in 2012, I was driving to work in Temple Terrace from Brandon on I75 in Florida, just before the storm began. I noticed a long, white object in the sky that resembled a pencil. It had a pure, bright white color and appeared as a disc from the side. The object was floating just below the clouds, and at first, I assumed it might be a plane that would move further past the trees. However, to my surprise, it remained in one spot, suspended in the air.

I had a clear view of it for a moment before the trees obstructed my sight. When it came into view again, it was still hovering in the same spot but tilted, similar to picture 2. I had to navigate through some more trees, and when I looked again, it had disappeared into a dark cloud. The cloud was so dark that I could only catch glimpses of the object through the holes in the cloud as it moved past.

During the short span of time, I tried to determine if it was a real UFO, realized that it indeed was, attempted to pull over to observe it more closely, and tried to get my phone to work on the busy interstate to capture a picture. Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to take a photo before it became impossible to view the object. This sighting was particularly exciting for me since it had been 22 years since my last clear UFO encounter.

I diligently searched online for any type of drone that might resemble what I saw, but nothing matched its appearance. Even when a real plane flew above the clouds, it appeared as tiny as a mosquito compared to the disc-shaped object I observed. Below, you'll find a reenactment photo created to show the similarity of what I witnessed.

Ufos in the bible
Ufos in the bible
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