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Ufos in the bible

Environmental Descriptions

During the time when biblical accounts were documented, the notion of UFOs or extraterrestrial beings, as understood in contemporary terms, would have been completely unfamiliar to the people of that era. The way we presently compare UFOs to drones, jets, planes, helicopters, blimps, street lights, spotlights, laser beams, kites, balloons and other modern aerial objects would not have been comprehensible to the people of that time. They described unfamiliar phenomena using terms and concepts that were familiar within their level of technology and environment.


For instance, they referred to these events as "wheels of fire," "fires infolding themselves," "flying furnaces," "fiery chariots," "millstones," "clouds," "dark clouds," "fiery clouds," "swift clouds," "multicolored jewels," "rainbows," "pavilions," "pillars," "whirlwinds," "fiery arrows," and "lightnings." All of these events were perceived to occur in what was referred to as "heaven," a coded term in the King James version of the Bible that signifies the sky.


To the people of that time, such occurrences, including raising people from the dead, parting the Red Sea to crush an entire army, or abducting individuals so they would  never experiencing death, were understood as divine manifestations or supernatural events, rather than encounters with beings from other planets.

These photos depict the technology and environment from the time of biblical prophets, and we will use them to describe the UFOs. If we employ these pictures to portray the UFOs, we will be crafting comparable Bible scriptures endlessly.
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Harken, for in the shadowy hours of the night, there came forth a wondrous chariot, swift in its course, appearing as if a mighty stallion of iron, its metal glistering in the moon's light. The wheels turned with a thunderous clamor, akin to the hooves of a noble steed at full gallop. The countenance of the chariot was aflame with celestial fire, as though carrying within it the very essence of divine blaze. Its eyes, glowing like burning coals, scanned the darkness ahead, and its presence left a trail of flickering sparks in its wake. The Lord, clad in garments of darkness, grasped the reins with utmost skill and mastery, guiding the chariot through the night with heavenly grace. A gust of wind swept through the air as it swiftly passed, stirring the leaves upon the trees, as a rushing whirlwind. Lo, as it drew nearer, the sounds of its motion were like the rushing of many waters, resonating through the night. The chariot's approach was stealthy, resembling a lioness seeking her prey under the canopy of the sky.

And the LORD went before them in a pillar of cloud to guide their way by day, and in a pillar of fire to give them light by night, so that they could travel by day or night

Exodus 13:21

Revelation 21

I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

The wall was constructed of jasper, while the city was pure gold.

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