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Ufos in the bible

Back Engineering UFO's

Humanity now soars through the skies, unlike the ancient biblical prophets who were bound to the Earth unless accompanied by an angel or God himself. The notion of heaven is not restricted to those from distant stars; it can also be reached from our very own Earth, as it lies in the vast expanse of the sky. The struggle between Satan and God is foretold, and certain individuals claim to possess top-secret heavenly crafts, though discussing them is considered perilous.

In the book of Isaiah (14:12), it is said, "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!" This passage is seen as a prophecy being fulfilled as mankind seeks to ascend above the clouds in craft akin to God's "wheels of fire."

However, these efforts are believed to be part of Satan's plot to rival God, as he and his followers allegedly work in secret locations on Earth, reverse-engineering these heavenly crafts. Their actions are shrouded in secrecy, and disclosure is met with severe consequences, even death.

It is suggested that the global banking elite is involved in supporting Satan's rule and maintaining the secrecy surrounding UFOs and their technology. Numerous military and governmental officials have spoken out about this, and figures like Steven Greer have been associated with the disclosure of such information.

The complete revelation of UFO free energy technology is said to coincide with the return of Christ, which will mark the beginning of the Millennial Reign on Earth, ushering in an era free from hunger, scarcity, and pollution. Allegedly, free energy has been suppressed by Satan, who controls the world through elite groups that have sacrificed their principles for power.

The oppression of humanity, it is claimed, is orchestrated by Satan through the governments of the world, and financial institutions control freedom through the dominance of money. As a result, people are compelled to pay for their existence on Earth, making them the only species in this predicament.

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